I frequently hear from Buddhist practitioners and people with a dedicated meditation practice who are curious to understand more about how the Depth Hypnosis and Shamanic Counseling work I offer could support them. This is a fantastic question!
I’ve found for myself and my meditator clients, that work that draws on shamanic techniques can not only foster healing and deeper insight into ourselves, but it can also support our meditation practice. With this in mind, I recently published a piece in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, exploring just this. As you read, you’ll be able to learn more about the relationship between Buddhism and shamanism, and how it might be a support for you. From the article:
“At the heart of things, Buddhism and shamanism both share some essential traits: they seek to explore consciousness and to bring forth a type of liberation, balance, or healing. The word “shaman” even has etymological ties to the spiritual seekers of the Buddha’s day…”
When we begin to explore the foundations of Buddhist meditation, the early teachings and stories of the Buddha, and the history and impact of shamanic work, we begin to see their many commonalities and mutual strengths — a truly onward leading possibility!
Interested in learning more about shamanic counseling, journey work, and meditation? Click here to read the full article: ‘How the Shamanic Journey Transformed My Meditation Practice.’ I hope you enjoy it!
If you’re curious about learning how Depth Hypnosis and Shamanic Counseling could help you, I’d love to hear from you! Click here to schedule a free consultation call to learn more about working together.
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